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Questions to Ask Before Buying New Windows

Posted 29 May 2017

 New Windows Naperville, IL

Shopping for new windows for your Naperville home can be an overwhelming process. Throughout the process homeowners must make decisions on everything from styles to materials, while searching for the perfect windows for their home. With so many options on the market, it’s easy to see how the process can take much longer than intended and end up costing more than planned. Fortunately, the process can be simplified by taking the time to answer a few important questions prior to purchasing your windows. Here we will be taking a closer look at a few of these important questions so your Naperville, IL windows shopping experience can be an enjoyable one.

1. What are these windows for?
While it may seem like the answer to this question is fairly obvious, the truth is it will vary from homeowner to homeowner depending on their specific household needs. For example, some homeowners may be purchasing new windows in the hopes that it will increase the energy efficiency of their home, while other may simply want to increase the amount of lighting and ventilation their home receives. Whatever your end goal is, by knowing in advance it will be easier to find the windows with features that fulfill these needs.

2. What is my short term and long term budget?
Your short term budget is the amount of money you are willing to pay in order to purchase and install the windows, however, your long term budget covers expenses such as repairs, maintenance, upkeep and future replacements. Depending on the type of material, both the short term and the long term cost will vary, so it’s important to do your homework to ensure you will stay within your budget.

3. Do I plan on reselling my home?
This is a big one. Too often homeowners purchase whatever they like in the moment, ignoring their future plans for selling their home. As a result, homeowners often have to replace their windows yet again in order to raise the resale value of their home. Invest wisely from the beginning by speaking with a real estate agent or visiting local open houses prior to purchasing your new windows. Not only will this extra step save you money, but it could potentially make you more money when it’s time to sell your home.

Want to be sure you’ve asked all the right questions before purchasing your windows? The best way to ensure you’ve taken the right steps to finding your perfect windows is by speaking with a Dilworth Windows & Doors team member. Our team takes customer service seriously and will take the time to answer all of your questions while introducing you to our wide selection of quality windows. Just start by scheduling a free consultation with one of our experts where we will identify the specific needs of your home to find the right window for you. To schedule our free consultation today, give us a call at (630) 960-4300 or visit our showroom floor located at 223 N Cass Ave Westmont, IL 60559.

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